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Daily Tracker

By changing with the times, people may become less appreciated of the importance of simplicity and spirituality in life. The right of meaningless repetition may have been deprived in everyday life. The definition of repeating daily records may be viewed as useless. However, it may bring emotional comfort to the individuals. It may also be a tool to communicate with oneself and to reassure the sense of self-existence.

The project explores self-existence and self-communication through repetitive behaviours in contemporary life.

The initial idea started with the study of "communication" and “repetition”. The process of communication is often unclear and unexpected due to my weakness in expressing through speech and language. In my daily life, friends from the social network, or even my parents, have no interest in getting to know about my life and my thoughts. No matter how sincere I try to express my world to others, I always get rejected. Depending on others to fulfil a sense of self-presence does make me feel exhausted and lead me to extremely thoughts and emotions. Art-making balances my depression and let me find the meaning of the present moment.

Repetition is the major process in this project. I used the ceramics pencils to imitate a pencil to do a tracker. I used a ceramic pencil to imitate a pencil drawing tracker.

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